Collabion Charts for SharePoint allows you to add animated charting sequences that will make you chart more delightful and attractive. You can create custom animations and use them to various chart objects such as, caption, sub-caption, y-axis title, x-axis title, etc.

To create and apply animation style you need to:

  1. Click Customize or Customize fonts, animation and effects.
  2.     Or   

    A dialog box appears. By default, Animation tab is selected.

  3. Click New to create an animation style.
  4. The Animation dialog box appears with the following configurable settings:

    Note: To know more on how to configure the settings click on the above mentioned names.

  5. Make the necessary settings and click OK.  A dialog box appears with the new animation style added under the Style name heading. Click OK.

Style Animation Type

Each and every chart object supports animation properties which can be set through Style Animation Type. Given below is a table of the properties of chart objects that can be animated using Style Animation Type:

Property Description
X Helps animate the x position of a chart object
Y Helps animate the y position of a chart object
X Scale Helps animate the x-scale (horizontal scale)of a chart object
Y Scale Helps animate the y-scale (vertical scale) of a chart object
Alpha Helps transparency fading animation effect. When Alpha is selected you need to manually set the Start from field. For example, if you are animating the dataplot for fade in alpha effect, the start value of alpha will be 0.
Rotation Helps to animate the pies and doughnuts in circular motion

Start From

Collabion Charts for SharePoint provides you with some pre-defined variable which assume values at run-time. For example, $canvasStartY depicts the start y position of the canvas and the values is calculated at run-time only. Below given is a table with all the possible variables for this field:

Variables Description
$chartStartX Chart Start X Position. It is 0 if you are loading the chart in an HTML page. However, if you are loading the chart in another Flash movie, it will take the given X Position.
$chartStartY Chart Start Y Position. It is 0 if you are loading the chart in an HTML page. However, if you are loading the chart in another Flash movie, it will take the given Y Position.
$chartWidth Width of the chart.
$chartHeight Height of the chart.
$chartEndX End X Position of the chart. Same as width of chart if you are loading the chart in an HTML page.
$chartEndY End Y Position of the chart. Same as height of chart if you are loading the chart in an HTML page.
$chartCenterX Center X Position of the chart.
$chartCenterY Center Y Position of the chart.
$canvasStartX Canvas Start X Position (from left), that is, x co-ordinate of left side of the canvas.
$canvasStartY Canvas Start Y Position (from top), that is, y co-ordinate of the top of canvas.
$canvasWidth Width of canvas.
$canvasHeight Height of canvas.
$canvasEndX End X Position of Canvas, that is, x co-ordinate of right side of canvas.
$canvasEndY End Y Position of Canvas, that is, y co-ordinate of bottom of canvas.
$canvasCenterX Center X Position of canvas.
$canvasCenterY Center Y Position of canvas.

Note: When Alpha is selected in the Style animation type field the above properties does not appear for the Start from field. You need to manually set the value. For example, if you are animating the dataplot for fade in alpha effect, the start value of alpha will be 0. Enter this value in the Start from text box.

Duration (in sec)

You can also set the duration for which you want the animation effect to appear. Enter the value in the Duration (in sec) spin box or you can also click on the up down arrow to set the value.  The value is calculated in seconds. For example, if you enter 5, the animation will take place for 5 seconds.


Easing refers to the gradual movement (acceleration or deceleration) of the animation effect. Given below is the list of easing methods:

Methods Description
Elastic Adds an elastic effect that falls outside the transition range at one or both ends. The amount of elasticity is unaffected by the duration.
Bounce Adds a bouncing effect within the transition range at one or both ends. The number of bounces relates to the duration—longer durations produce more bounces.
Strong Adds slower movement at one or both ends. This effect is similar to Regular easing, but it is more pronounced.
Regular Adds slower movement at one or both ends. This feature enables you to add a speeding-up effect, a slowing-down effect, or both.
None Adds an equal movement from start to end without effects, slowing, or speeding up. This transition is also referred to as a linear transition.

Edit an existing animation style

You can also edit an existing animation style to change the settings of the animation. Given below are the steps on how to edit an existing animation:

  1. Click Customize or Customize fonts, animation and effects.
  2.     Or   

    A dialog box appears with the existing animation style under the Style name heading.

  3. Make sure that the check box is selected beside the animation style which you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit. A new dialog box appears with the existing settings.
  5. The Animation dialog box appears.

    To know more on the available settings see:

  6. Make the necessary changes and click OK.

Delete an existing animation style

You can also delete an existing animation style. To delete an existing animation style follow the given below steps:

  1. Click Customize or Customize fonts, animation and effects.
  2.     Or   

    A dialog box appears with the existing animation style under the Style name heading.

  3. Make sure that the check box is selected beside the animation style which you want to edit.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. A dialog box appears to confirm that whether you want to delete the animation style. Click Yes.